The essence of capturing life's moments through photography...

~Cherish the Essence of Love...~

~Be happy for this moment...this moment is your life..~

Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence...

Expose the beautiful essence of your inner spirit...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What a great session at the carnival yesterday afternoon with Dustin & Chelsey!! fun and relaxed..couldn't get Dustin to ride anything but the swings though!!hehe ..Look for photos to be posted soon!! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What a beautiful couple Dustin & Chelsey are! ..take a sneak peek look at their spring photos on my facebook! :) ..more to follow soon!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Excited to get to work with Chelsey & Dustin again this afternoon.. The editing awaits me.. :).. As always, Dustin..sweet as ever.. and Chelsey..WOW! ..SO beautiful.. LOVED YOUR DRESS!!! I appreciate so much you guys following me all over the lower end of Rockwood just for photos! ..I think our efforts will bring several good photos for your keepsake though.. thanks again!
The Isham photo session is now complete... thank you once again, JR, Lindsey and Griffin for a fun afternoon.. Hope you enjoy!